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Treating Periodontal Disease Can Save You Money

In 2014 the American Journal of Preventive Medicine did a study to see what impact periodontal therapy had on general health. What they found was staggering. By treating periodontal disease, you can save significant sums of money.

Periodontal disease has been closely linked to premature birth, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health problems. The study found that treating periodontal disease can help you achieve better health, which leads to fewer hospitalizations and lower health care costs.

The study looked at the health and dental insurance of 339,000 people that had periodontal disease in addition to one of five conditions; type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and pregnancy.

Subjects with four of the five conditions who had at least one periodontal disease treatment had lower medical costs and fewer hospitalizations within four years of treatment compared to people not treated.

The savings among pregnant women were 74 percent, which came from avoiding costs associated with premature births and other complications. Savings for those with cardiovascular disease or diabetes were anywhere from 20 percent to 40 percent.

The origin of periodontal disease is untreated gingivitis. The gums pull back from the root of the tooth and create tiny pockets that gradually widen. The body’s natural response to infection or injury is inflammation, which then attack the tissue that holds the tooth to the jawbone, which can cause the tooth to loosen and fall out.

It’s this inflammation that is the link between periodontal disease and chronic health conditions. Inflammatory substances build up in the blood, which worsens heart diseases, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. So by treating periodontal disease, you’re improving your chances against potentially fatal diseases.

Improving your oral health doesn’t just help to prevent diseases of the mouth but can help prevent other conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Studies now show that by treating periodontal disease, you can experience significant savings in medical costs. So if you suffering from periodontal disease, come in to see us and help improve health and finances.