Tissue Grafting: Autogenous Tissue
When you visit a dentist in Vero Beach, FL, the practitioner will thoroughly evaluate your teeth. Your practitioner will see if you have adequate gum tissue to support dental implants in Vero Beach or if you are suffering from the ill effects of gum disease. The practitioner may suggest you receive autogenous tissue. However, what exactly is this procedure?
What Does Autogenous Mean?
Autogenous means that the tissue is taken from another part of your body. It could refer to taking muscle, fat, or skin for another part of your body for a procedure. Your practitioner may use tissue from the roof of your mouth to replace the damaged, missing, or insufficient gum tissue.
Why Get Gum Grafting
You might need gum grafting to help with the following problems:
Gum Recession and Disease Progression
Your gums will recede once your gum disease progresses. Not only will is it noticeable when you have gum recession, but it also exposes the root of your tooth. As a result, you may have an increase in pain and sensitivity. You also make your teeth more vulnerable to infection since your teeth aren’t protected against bacteria. If bacteria reach the exposed part of your teeth, it can lead to bone and gum deterioration. When it progresses, it can contribute to tooth loss.
The graft can help correct the problem, so your teeth remain protected.
Self-consciousness can arise if you have missing teeth or receding gums. Vero VIP can help correct the problem or at least begin to touch base on the problem.
Examples of Autogenous Tissue
Your dentist may recommend using a piece of your own body for any of the following:
Pedicle Graft
A pedicle graft occurs when your dentist takes tissue from the gum near or around the affected tooth. For this graft, the practitioner will cut into the pedicle — which is a flap. It’ll still be attached after the graft at one point. However, during the process, the dentist will pull the flap down so it then covers the root of your tooth. The dentist then will stitch the gum in place.
Free Gingival Grafts
If you need a free gingival graft, the practitioner will remove tissue directly from the palate of your mouth. The practitioner will then take this tissue and suture it to the area. Typically, your dentist will recommend this surgery if you have thin gums.
Connective Tissue Graft
Your dentist may recommend a connective tissue graft. With this graft, Vero VIP will take tissue from the palate of your mouth. The practitioner will make a flap in the area. Next, the practitioner will harvest the tissue underneath. Once the dentist removes the tissue, the flap cut is stitched and allowed to heal. Then, your dentist will sew this tissue where it needs to go.
What to Expect During Autogenous Tissue Grafting
During the procedure, you won’t feel any pain. The surgeon will administer an anesthetic to ensure you remain comfortable during the process.
After the anesthetic wears off, you may have pain. The dentist may recommend you take an over-the-counter pain reliever to reduce irritation to the area.
At home, you’ll also need to limit exercise. You should also choose soft foods. In addition, it could help to eat warm or cold foods as opposed to hot ones.
To protect your gums after the autogenous tissue surgery, you won’t be able to brush your teeth initially. Our Vero Beach dentist will prescribe a mouthwash to minimize the debris in your mouth and protect your teeth as your gums are healing.
Your dentist will provide you with instructions on how to take care of your mouth and any suggestions to promote healing. Keep in mind that it can take up to six weeks to heal, though you should be able to resume work and much of your normal life long before that. After you heal, your dentist will schedule for dental implants in Vero Beach as soon as it’s safe if you plan to have implants.
Contact Vero VIP for Autogenous Tissue Grafting
Call Vero VIP at 772.569.9700 or visit their website to see if you are in need of and eligible for grafting.