Tooth Extraction Explained: What to Anticipate

Tooth Extraction Explained: What to Anticipate

Millions of Americans undergo tooth extraction every year, and patients often experience stress and anxiety because they are unsure about the procedure. The team members at our Vero Beach dental practice are keenly aware that community members have wide-reaching questions about the tooth extraction process. As the dentist Vero Beach community members trust for extractions, implants, and other dental health solutions, the following information about what to anticipate when having tooth extraction reduces any worry.

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

The American Journal of Public Health estimates that 10 million third molars are extracted from 5 million Americans each year. If not correctly performed, patients deal with lingering effects. That’s why scheduling a consultation with an experienced dentist in Vero Beach, FL, who performs reliable tooth extractions, is critical. These are reasons everyday people may need a tooth removed.

  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth
  • Broken or Cracked Teeth
  • Tooth Decay
  • Overly Crowded Teeth
  • Severe Gum Disease
  • Tooth Displacement

If you are dealing with these conditions or experience pain and discomfort, it is important to schedule an appointment. Allowing a dental problem to worsen can result in more severe health conditions.

How Does the Tooth Extraction Process Work?

Once you arrive for your dental appointment, you can anticipate answering a series of questions. It’s crucial to provide any information about the use of medications and substances and any health conditions. This information helps our Vero Beach dental team better understand your oral hygiene and wellness.

Then, a close examination of your teeth and gums will be performed while you relax in the dentist’s chair. If further exploration is needed, a quick X-rays will be taken to determine next steps. If you are a candidate for tooth extraction, you can expect the following.

Patients Receive Sedation

Tooth extraction is a relatively pain-free experience because patients are fully sedated. Common medications and methods include nitrous oxide, oral pharmaceuticals, or intravenous (IV) sedatives. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is applied through a mask or nose tube.

People who opt for nitrous oxide may be able to drive home after a short period. Oral medications such as diazepam are typically taken one hour before the procedure. Patients usually need someone to drive them home. Last, IV sedation may be necessary for people dealing with heightened stress and anxiety.

Actual Tooth Extraction

You can anticipate receiving local anesthesia in the form of quick shots to numb the surrounding tissue and nerves connected to the tooth. Once the area has been adequately treated, an oral surgeon uses specialized tools to loosen the tooth. In cases of excessive tooth decay or fractured teeth, making a minor incision into the gums may be necessary. This allows the periodontist to loosen the tooth in its socket.

Once the tooth has been removed, the empty socket is cleansed and sanitized to prevent infection. In severe cases, a graft may be needed to replace bone tissue. This typically occurs when dental health problems are not treated early, causing infections and bone decay. With the tooth removed and the socket cleaned or reconstructed, tiny stitches are sewn to pull the gums together and allow the healing process to begin.

Post Tooth Extraction Procedures

Gauze will be firmly placed over the extraction point to prevent unnecessary bleeding as the impacted area matures. Your dental team may ask you to apply steady pressure by closing your upper teeth on it. Once the blood clots, the gauze can be removed.

Each extraction is a little different, and you will receive specific instructions to ensure a quick, healthy recovery. In most cases, smoking and drinking hot beverages or alcohol are prohibited for at least 24 hours. It’s also important not to chew on that side of your mouth and follow the post-extraction sanitization recommendations. If you experience unusual bleeding or discomfort, don’t hesitate to call our Vero Beach dental office.

Reach Out To Vero Implants & Periodontics

Tooth extraction is a tried-and-true procedure that helps prevent the spread of infection. It’s also an excellent way to replace cracked and broken teeth and restore your beautiful smile. If you are considering tooth extraction, schedule an appointment with Vero Implants & Periodontics in Vero Beach, FL.