Dental Sedation
Dental sedation is a useful tool that a dentist can use to complete a procedure. It helps make a patient comfortable, which can help a dentist complete a wide array of dental procedures, including routine check-ups, filling cavities, pulling teeth, or placing dental implants. If you have never been sedated before, you may have many questions about it. Read on to learn more and get the information you need to stay informed.
What is Dental Sedation?
It can be used to help a patient relax or put a patient to sleep while receiving dental care. Every patient is different, and as such, the needs of patients can differ. Different sedatives can be used to provide different results, based on the procedure being performed and the specific needs of a patient. A dentist will work with a patient to help keep them comfortable, while also assuring that they can complete the dental procedure.
Why Dental Sedation Used?
Dental sedation can be given for a variety of different reasons. One of the reasons why it is performed is anxiety or nervousness. If your anxiety prevents you from getting the dental work you need, sedation may help to take the edge off and help you relax, allowing you to get the dental work completed that you need. Dental sedation may also be used to help those who may be unable to comfortably sit still. Those with disabilities or injuries may not be able to comfortably sit in a dental chair for hours while having dental work done.
Dental sedation may be given for treatments that are especially painful as well. For example, extracting wisdom teeth or placing dental implants can be painful. Sedation allows you to stay relaxed or asleep, ensuring you do not feel discomfort.
When it comes to dental sedatives, three main sedation types are typically offered. It is important to note that not every dental facility offers every type of dental sedation. Always ask your dental practice what sedation options they offer.
Oral Sedation
Oral sedation is completed by taking medication orally, such as a pill. There are different sedatives available, so a dentist can work with you to determine what level of sedation you need, and then prescribe the right pill to help you relax or help you sleep during a procedure.
Nitrous Oxide Sedation
Nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas, is one of the most common sedatives used in dental practices. The gas does not put a patient to sleep. This allows patients to remain awake and respond to stimuli or commands while experiencing a reduction in pain and/or anxiety.
Intravenous Sedation
The final sedation option dental offices use is intravenous sedation. An IV line is started and medication is injected directly into your bloodstream. This is used to put patients to sleep. This type of sedation is often used for children who need lengthy dental procedures and cannot sit still or hold their mouth open, or for adults who are undergoing long or painful procedures. This medication may also be used on those who experience extreme anxiety and may otherwise go without dental care if they were forced to remain awake.
What Are the Benefits of Dental Sedation?
The benefits reach both patients and dentists. Many people with anxiety forego dental care, which can lead to dental and medical problems. Sedation allows those with dental phobias or anxieties to receive dental care. It can also make dental procedures as pain-free as possible for patients. Dentists benefit because it helps them to more safely and effectively complete dental procedures on all their patients.
If you are in need of dental work and think this may be beneficial to you, contact Vero Implants and Periodontics. Our staff works with you to complete the dental work needed while being sedated. Their goal is to ensure you are comfortable and free of anxiety or worry. Call us today to schedule your appointment.