Tips For Dealing With Bad Breath
Your smile is one of the first things people see when they first meet you, and you want to create a positive first impression. Bad breath can be off-putting in personal and professional settings. Sometimes you can take steps to remedy it at home; other times your teeth need professional assistance. A dental professional can help you with improving the appearance of your teeth, the health of your gums, and also improve your overall long-term dental health.
Common Causes of Bad Breath
A dental professional will note the many causes and the level of concern you should have. Some of the most common causes include the following.
Dietary Choices
The food you eat can have a noticeable impact. Often bad breath is caused by decaying food particles that have collected around your tooth and gum line increasing bacteria. Also, certain types of food can have strong odors. Proper cleaning helps prevent bad breath.
Bad Dental Care
Inconsistent dental hygiene can be a large factor. If you don’t brush and floss consistently, food is left behind leading to bacterial growth. The bacteria causes plaque to build up in your mouth irritating your gums and teeth and also leading to bad breath.
Use of Tobacco
Use of tobacco products causes bad breath. This is usually noticeable, as smoking causes its unique offensive odors. The use of tobacco products can also cause bad breath due to the associated mouth ailments they cause such as an increase in gum disease.
Dry Mouth
Your saliva helps keep your mouth clean by washing away harmful particles. If you have chronic dry mouth this can cause leftover food particles to collect leading to bad breath. Some saliva issues are medical conditions caused by issues with the salivary glands and other ailments.
Infections and Other Ailments
Bad breath can also be a side effect of many dental ailments like gum infections, sores, tooth decay, and gum infection.
Improve Your Dental Care Habits
When the causes are due to a build-up of bacteria due to food particles or a lack of sufficient cleaning, a professional may advise a better care routine to improve your breath. The use of mouthwash, antibacterial toothpaste, and flossing can help remove some causes of bad breath.
Schedule A Dental Appointment
Not every underlying cause can be treated with home remedies or by being attentive to your dental health. Bad breath can be a sign of more serious concerns that require professional assistance to properly correct. If your bad breath is pervasive and nothing you’re doing seems to work you should visit a dental professional. Corrections can include things like dental implants and treating issues that can cause bacteria to collect such as gum disease.
Final Thoughts
Bad breath can be more than just an annoyance. It can be a sign of serious underlying dental health issues. Contact us today to learn how we can help.