Bone Grafts: Your Options
When you require dental implants, you need to have adequate jaw bone to support the implant. If not, the surgery might not be possible, or you could experience premature implant failure. Fortunately, you can have a bone grafting procedure done by a periodontist to ensure you have enough and strong bone to support your implants. You have more than one option when it comes to bone grafts.
Allograft Bone Graft
An allograft bone graft is a real bone that’s taken from a deceased donor. After the bone is removed, doctors will perform tests to ensure the bone didn’t have any infection or disease at the time of harvesting.
Before your dental professional applies the bone, it must go through a special treatment process to make sure it’s compatible with you. This option may be for you if you would like a treatment that doesn’t require an additional incision. Generally, the healing time is shorter than an autograft procedure since only one incision needs to heal.
However, with an allograft, you could experience an autoimmune reaction, and you have the possibility of rejection.
Alloplast Bone Graft
A periodontist may recommend alloplast. This bone graft stems from a man-made material. Sometimes, though, it’s sourced from minerals.
With this option, you have a decreased risk for infection or disease. Additionally, the bone formation around the implant will happen quickly. However, you could experience rejection with this option.
Autograft Bone Graft
An autograft is bone from your body from another location used to replace your inadequate, damaged, or diseased jawbone. Usually, the surgeon will remove the bone from your hard palate or chin. If you have inadequate bone there, the surgeon may remove it from your hip or shin.
This option has an extremely low risk of an allergic reaction or rejection since it comes from your own body. You also have a low risk of infection. It does, however, require another incision that will be healing as your other incision heals.
Xenograft Bone Graft
Xenograft bone grafts are another option, and they consist of animal bone, usually taken from a pig or cow. They undergo an extensive process that leaves mainly, only mineral components. The bone will support your implants at the time of your surgery. However, over time, your natural bone will grow and replace the xenograft.
Some people may not like the idea of having an animal bone in their mouth, no matter how much processing the bone undergoes. On the other hand, you could develop an allergic reaction, or your body could reject the implant. You also have the risk of infection, but keep in mind that the bone goes through extensive sterilization.
Additionally, the bone is strong, and you’ll only have to go through one surgery.
Deciding on the Right One for You
The right one for you depends on your personal preference, but it also relies on certain factors. For instance, how much reconstruction you require is a factor. If you need an extensive bit of reconstruction, your own bone may be the best solution.
Before you undergo the procedure, your dental expert will thoroughly evaluate your mouth and overall health. Your surgeon will want to make sure you have good enough bones in another location to support the implants. For instance, if you have a disease that causes bone weakness, an autograft might not be the best solution for you.
Your periodontist will also take into consideration your history of immune reactions and any conditions that could affect your immune function. Patients who have immune problems may better respond to an autograft, which has little risk of reaction.
Contact Vero VIP About Your Options
Your dental professional at Vero Implants & Periodontics will better explain the four main types of bone grafts and will elaborate on the benefits and potential complications. Moreover, after a thorough evaluation, your periodontist will give you feedback on the one best suited for you. Contact our experts today to address your concerns and to schedule an appointment at one of our convenient locations in Vero Beach or Melbourne, FL. We look forward to speaking with you!